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Service Subject

  • Individuals whom with the registered residence at Tainan City or dwelling in Tainan Cityactuallyand with the intention to be employed at Tainan City for principle.
  • Age between 15 to 64 and equipped with a Disability Card.
  • Individuals who have the will to be employed, and with the ability on job and commuting.

Content of Service

  • Providingthe developing of job opportunity and the career matching and career matching for whom are the disabled of Physicaland Mental.
  • Providingintense guidance of one-to-one during 2 weeks to 3 months.
  • Providing general referral of employ service to whom are the disabled of Physical and Mental.
  • Providingtracking and guidance service of employ.
  • Providing consultation service of employto whom are the disabled of Physical and Mental.
  • Providing
  • Providingguidanceof interpersonal relationship and service of career adaptivity to whom are the disabled of Physical and Mental to be employed.
  • Assisting employers to apply job position re-design or other related consulting serviceof recruitment act.
  • Providingpropaganda service of community education and promotion.

Purpose of Service

  • Providingemployservice of customized and professional to whom are the disabled of Physical and Mentalto reach the employment arrangementadaptability, then toenhance thetracking and guidance of post-employment, thereby to promotethe employmentstable to whom arethe disabled of physical and mental.
  • Implement the service spirit of supportive employment, maintaining the rights and benefits of whom are the disabled of Physical and Mental, and ensuring theiropportunity to participate in societyfairly.
