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Service Outcome2019-02-01
2018 Service Outcome

2018 Service Outcome

In 2018, the number of people serviced by the Center was 1,326. Please refer to the following table for details:

Medicare and Education Service of Early-stage

Total number of people serviced was 137.

Day-time Care 42 people
Service of Staged Medicare and Education 55 people
Preventive Service of Infants and Children Development 38 people

Supportive Service of Adult

Total number of people serviced was 104.

Day-time Care 56 people
Day-time Operational Facility of Community 40 people
Dwelling ofCommunity 8 people

Reporting, Career Referral and Individual Managementof the Physical and Mental whom are Disabled at Tainan City

Reporting, Aging and Disabled, Short-term, Suspected Case, Referral, Individual Management at Service Center (Xinan District)

Total number of people serviced was 947.

Service of Occupational Restructuring

Total number of people serviced was 138.

Service of Supportive Career 70 people
Evaluation of Occupational Guidance 50 people
Service of Mid-way Career Pre-occupational preparing 12 people
Service of DwellingCareer 6 people